M Unity

Sustainable weight-loss – without gimmicks and shortcuts?

Summer is around the corner, at least here in Colorado, and many people get on their annual quest to get the summer bod to show off. 

Nothing wrong with that, right? Well, let’s see…

Did you know that Americans are spending over 40 billion dollars a year on weight-loss programs, special meals and snack drinks, diet books, diet magazines and other slimming gimmicks , products and gadgets? Waste of money… Why?

Because, successful and most importantly – enjoyable and sustainable weight-loss and overall well-being is a trinity –  which involves healthy eating habits, exercise and behavior change. You can’t forget one and exaggerate the other. They’re supposed to be balanced. 

40 billion dollars a year, every year! Why? 

Because the majority of people are looking for accelerated weight loss with gimmicks like fasting, fad diets, eating some special cookies or fat melting candy, cabbage cleanse, magical supplements, cleansing the colon, avoiding sugar or carbs and more useless crap. 

People, if these would work, we wouldn’t spend 40 billion dollars year after year on weight loss!!

It’s simple math.

However, the weight loss industry is not designed to prevent weight gain or teach you about sustainable healthy lifestyle. 

It is designed to keep you in a vicious circle so you keep looking for shortcuts and they can keep offering it to you. 

How is it working out for ya?

Now …. Let’s take a look at these shortcuts.

Shortcutting your weight loss

All these promises of easy and fast weight loss have one thing in common; they offer only a temporary solution to what is a lifelong problem for many people. Once the diet is stopped, the lost weight is usually regained quickly since none of these diets and gimmicks and tools teach behavior modification.  

They are just superficial tools to give you instant gratification with short lived achievement, without you needing to change anything! That’s why the weight loss industry is a big fat business! Pun intended!

Shortcutting your weight loss

I understand that the mere thought of change can bring the feelings of discomfort, fear, and inconvenience. Change is stressful and scary, even though it is an amazing change.

But, successful and most importantly – enjoyable and sustainable weight-loss and overall well-being is a trinity –  which involves healthy eating habits, exercise and behavior change. You can’t forget one and exaggerate the other. They’re supposed to be balanced. 

Find balance in your life

Balance isn’t something you have to be afraid of. Balance is natural and that’s exactly what I believe in. Keep your lifestyle natural. In other words, normal and close to yourself. This is what I do for and with my clients. We find something that ‘fits’ them. I want for humans, I want for you – my dear listeners –  to start listening to your  own bodies instead of blindly following some ill-advice of a pretty face or wasting money on false promises.

Many fad diets “too good to be true” claims and promises, promises and photoshopped outcomes of treatments, devices and gadgets for losing weight – they do not work and can be very hazardous to your health.

You see,  to make changes in your life, you don’t need to turn your life upside down or swear off certain food groups and cut out alcohol. All you need to do is slowly build up new habits, replacing the old habits that don’t serve you anymore and finding what works for you.

What amazes me till this day, is how much some of you are willing to literally suffer for a period of time, just to lose some weight! Usually it is for a specific goal. Maybe you want to slim down and tone for your wedding, or your birthday or that exotic vacation. 

Find balance in your life, learn how to eat the foods in the right order, how to stay resilient and handle stress, how to fully enjoy life regardless of your situation.

Find balance in your life

Start creating a sustainable and healthy lifestyle for yourself so you don’t have to be on a diet or buy a supplement or a magical tool ever again. Stop spending your money on bullshit and start investing in your health and wellbeing.

I’m here whenever you are ready for a real change!

Stop looking for shortcuts because you are scared or lazy! Get up and claim – and live –  the life you want to live.

I know YOU CAN! Do you?