M Unity

The healthier sugar option?

Do you know the quote: “You can’t make everybody happy. You’re not sugar.” 

One thing is true – sugar produces the “feel good” neurotransmitters (serotonin and dopamine) in our brain. When we feel good, everything around us is good as well and we feel energized with zest for life. Or at least, the world becomes bearable for a bit.

But which sugar to choose?

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Is Holistic Lifestyle for everybody?

Is Holistic Lifestyle for everybody?

Holistic living. Holistic lifestyle. Holistic health. Holistic healing. Holistic everything. 

I’m sure you have a particular picture in your mind that depicts anything ‘holistic’ to you.

Depending whether you like and understand what you see in your mind – how likely it is you would even consider a holistic lifestyle for yourself?

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Why is change so hard?

Many men and women, just like you and me, take on this huge challenge – some kind of transformation – to change their life around, regain vitality, stress free and happy life.

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Going back to normal

“I want the world to go back to #normal “, is one of the most repeated sentences we hear nowadays. We live in challenging times, that much is true.

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