M Unity

I was bullied A LOT

If it wasn’t for my strong glasses (yep, I used to wear glasses +4.75!), then it was for the lack of my boobs (or any ‘female’ form), or my ‘manly’ muscles or my fast speaking pace! I wasn’t considered pretty, so I learned to be funny, and excel in any kind of sports. My #confidence was non-existent. I made a lot of mistakes and bad choices to compensate for it in my twenties. It got me into extremely troubled situations and relationships. It took me 30 years (I’m 43 now) to regain the power that I’ve given away (because I wanted people to like me).

You get what you tolerate!

You get used to how people talk to you or treat you. You get used to certain behaviors from others and from yourself. You create these habits of tolerating bullshit, about your outlook on life, your body language, the words you use. And after a while, you start to think – “Ok, this is who I am. ” But that’s NOT who you are!

I could have spent my life blaming others for my misfortunes. But I didn’t.

If you want to change your life, figure out how your worst day was your best day and it will change everything! There is something in you that wouldn’t be there without it!

Yes, it is easier said than done – but YOU CAN do it!

You can start by taking baby steps, such as changing your BODY LANGUAGE.

Think about someone you know whom you consider extremely confident.

When you first met them, you probably knew they were confident before they even started speaking.

You knew they were self-assured because of the way they carried themselves and moved. They made eye contact, shook your hand firmly, and stood up straight, they had a ‘certain vibe’ around them.

Want to know how to be confident? Feel it in your body!

Close your eyes and think about this:

How does it feel being confident?

How do you feel?

What thoughts do you have as a confident human?

What actions and decisions do you take?

How do you behave as a confident person?

What words do you use?

Simple enough, right? And yet so many humans still suffer with low confidence.

Contact me for 1-on-1 or group sessions in gaining confidence and the next level of life.