M Unity

How to withstand menopausal hormonal imbalance

Did you know that there were 534,410 google searches in the past 12 months with key words “What are the symptoms of menopause”?  

It’s not that strange as the majority of women struggle with some kind of hormonal imbalance. Menopause is the first thing that comes to mind, when a woman notices symptoms such as heavy periods, hair loss, and hot flushes. 

Does this sound familiar?

Perhaps you’ve noticed that it is hard to get out of bed in the morning, you might have difficulties falling and staying asleep.

Maybe you are craving caffeine and sugar around 3pm just to get through the rest of the day. 

You might be more anxious and depressed than ever before. 

You may experience brain fog, trouble concentrating, irritability, and mood swings. 

You tried some “tips” and “best practice” you’ve seen somewhere, but you are not getting better.

The PMS roller coaster is progressively getting worse, your belly is getting bloated, you are getting more and more frustrated.

It’s hard to zip up your pants even though you’ve eliminated sugar and carbs or follow some fad diet. Well, you are not alone! I’ve been there myself. 

If you are looking to get your ‘hands dirty’ and ‘clean up your hormones’;

If you are willing to take this journey with me to discover the root cause of the hormonal imbalances that plague you, read on. 

What is holistic nutrition?

Over 2000 years ago, Hippocrates said that all disease begins in the gut! Since his discovery, this fact has been backed up by extensive scientific research. 

Dr. Michael Ruscio mentioned in his book Healthy Gut Healthy You “your gut is an ecosystem and it requires the appropriate environment to flourish”. It affects everything from your mood to your skin, your energy to your sleeping patterns. 

And as different ecosystems require different approaches, your ‘ecosystem’ has its own requirements – and that’s where I can help!

I take a holistic approach to nutrition that focuses on working with our bodies instead of against them. It’s easy to fall prey to another quick fix or fad diet. We’ve all fallen for it.

I help my clients to understand the true joys of being a woman while troubleshooting and overcoming the challenges of womanhood.  

I offer a variety of lab tests that can help us discover the root cause of your hormonal symptoms. Together we can develop a roadmap to heal the body from the inside out. Simple as that!

Is holistic nutrition coaching right for me?

It is – as long as you:

  • want to prioritize the health of your family and know that it starts with taking care of yourself – #selfcare ;
  • want to develop simple and  sustainable solutions that last a lifetime; 
  • are looking to balance your hormones while still enjoying food you love;
  • know that changing your mindset is the first big step; 
  • are ready to learn how to listen to your body;
  • are committed to putting yourself and your health first;
  • are ready to work with a coach to develop a custom road map to heal your hormones and body!

If you are just dabbing or ‘shopping around’ or looking for a ‘quick fix’ – I’m NOT the right person for your problems.

But when you decide it’s time to reclaim your health back, when you decide it’s time to say good-bye to PCOS, PMS, perimenopause, adrenal dysregulation, thyroid conditions, and more…  – I’ll be here waiting for you.

When you feel good – you look good!

*Contact Jessica directly here