M Unity

“I no longer look for the good in people. I search for the real – because while good is often dressed in fake layers, real is naked and proud no matter the scars.”

-Chishala Lishomwa
Three Steps To live a Real and Authentic

1. Break Free From Limiting Beliefs

Nothing in this world is so tricky yet so powerful as our beliefs. They have the power to dictate the direction of our lives, for good or bad. Where do your beliefs really come from? Simply put, they are developed in your childhood and stick with you (like a friggin glue!) into adulthood. 

Have you been told “you are just dumb” or “you will never be a good basketball player” or “you end up just like your loser dad”? 

Most of us do not make a conscious decision about what we believe. Rather, our beliefs are based on generalizations we make about our past. And unfortunately, many of us are wired to re-live painful experiences and form pessimistic beliefs about what that means then, now and in the future. Change your narrative story, change your mindset!

2. Turn Negatives Into Positives

We have no limitations in life. The only limitations we have are the ones we place on ourselves by us or others.

Have you ever wanted a promotion but you were certain you can’t go any higher in your company so you’ve never asked for promotion?

Is your belief true? …… Or are you making excuses because of your limiting beliefs on what you have to offer?

Maybe you haven’t pushed hard enough. Maybe you’re not putting in the time it takes to advance at work. Maybe you need to change your approach but you are insecure.

Think about it.

3. Find Your True Purpose

To become real and authentic means you need to locate your north star – your true purpose in life.

Your true purpose needs to be incorporated into your life or you need to work hard toward it. 

Tony Robbins teaches that too often we don’t realize what we truly want or we have trouble defining exactly what our motive is and what is missing from our lives. We end up drifting away, spiraling down, often turning to self-damaging behaviour or simply becoming numb to everything around us. We become mindless.

The good news is, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been travelling in the wrong direction. You can turn around at any moment.

When you are ready to shed the fake layers and show the world the REAL YOU,

when you are ready to let the world hear your AUTHENTIC VOICE,

when you are tired of being a silent PASSENGER IN YOUR LIFE,

when you are ready to grab the wheel and go where YOU WANT TO GO – I’ll be here waiting to guide you you all the way. 

I know YOU CAN! Do you?