M Unity

Consistency is harder when no one is clapping for you. Starting something new is the easy part. It's exciting, right? However, sticking with it after the initial excitement and fade - that’s tough. It is what separates the true 'doers' from 'dabblers'.

Starting something new is the easy part. It’s exciting, right? Maybe even a bit scary.

However, sticking with it after the initial excitement and fade – that’s tough. It is what separates the true ‘doers’ from ‘dabblers’. 

You can hype up yourself every day by reading and/or posting motivational quotes, listen to your “champion” song or what not.

You look in the mirror and say: “Yes, today is the day I’m going to change!” 

You eat 1 healthy dish, or you resist to mindlessly scroll on your phone for a few hours – but then you wake up from your trance and jump right back into your old habits … and a couple of days later you hype yourself up again and you repeat the entire routine! 

And you officially became “over-motivated under-achiever” aka ‘dabbler’

“Your life is not a hobby – stop treating it like it is!”

I will be your co-pilot on your journey towards your destination, I will teach you how to stay excited, disciplined and focused. 

I will kick your butt every time you want to give up.

I will teach you how to clap for yourself! 

You must become your biggest fan! 

Are you ready to stop being a ‘dabbler’ in your life? 

I know YOU CAN! Do you?