M Unity

First of all, let’s clear something up.

Weight loss​ and ​fat loss ​are not the same.

The difference between fat loss and weight loss is simple, though way too often overlooked.

Fat loss​, as its name already says is a reduction in visceral (wrapped around internal organs) and subcutaneous (underneath the skin) adipose (fat) tissue.

Weight loss​ can mean anything from loss of fat, loss of lean muscle, glycogen, or even stored water (aka water retention).

Quick bio class:
When your body needs energy, it can draw on its glycogen stores. The molecules, made from glucose in the food you eat, are mainly stored in your liver and muscles. Your body can quickly mobilize this stored glycogen when it needs fuel.

What you eat, how often you eat, and most importantly in what order you eat your food – this all influence how your body stores and uses glycogen.

Side Note:
That’s what low-carb and ketogenic diets are so promising. By eating very little carbs, your body is forced into a ‘ketosis state’ where your body uses your own fat as a fuel. Again, I wouldn’t recommend any of these ‘diets’.

Strenuous exercise (HIIT, weightlifting and such) also depletes glycogen stores, causing the body to burn body fat for energy. This is why weight loss shouldn’t necessarily be the end goal.

BUT, I hope you understand that ‘diets’ are only short term solutions for your long term problem.

We are all different. There is no such thing as “one size fits all”! Some diets can cause more harm to you, they can mess up your entire hormonal system and gut system.

What I encourage you to do is to ​stop​ googling for “best diet” and start learning how our holistic approach will help you to eat everything that you like while getting healthier and more vital, with a side of (fat)weight loss.

So, how do you lose body fat?

Short answer: By flattening your glucose curve!