M Unity

Another self help book?

What would the world look like if every child, every man and woman –  felt special, understood, accepted and loved – for who they truly are? Wouldn’t that be magic?

Wouldn’t the world be a better place?

Many children struggle to fit in. But do they have to, or can we learn them from a young age to be who they are? Can we “prevent” instead of “treat” this phenomenon? Can we ‘create’ healthy and happy adults? Yes, we can!

In June 2022, the book The Magic of Merla was released and the short story about Merla is exactly about this topic. 

Yes, I did write a book for kids. But I realized – it is the adults, who are dealing with the “aftershock” of their own trauma and drama that they carry with them through their entire lives. It makes them secretly handcuffed by their own limited beliefs and they do the same to their kids. Handcuffing them and helping them to recreate the same “drama” over and over again.

Stop repeating and reliving the story

It would be really amazing if our parents, family, friends and the whole world – when we were growing up – if they all were perfect. We would have nothing to ‘recover from’. 

If you are stuck in the past, you are actually repeating and reliving that moment in your mind and body every day and you take it as the truth. 

Your body is stuck in the emotions of that moment. Your body lives in the stress of that moment. And you know what prolonged stress does to your body. 

Something happened to you (EVENT), and it made you FEEL a certain way. So you are allowing that event to keep affecting how you feel. 

E vent → F eeling

As Carolyn Ball explains in her book ‘Claiming Your Self-Esteem’ “it is not the event, but our interpretation of that event that creates the pain!”

E vent → I interpretation → F eeling

You can choose to use the old interpretation of whatever happened –  or begin to change your interpretation and thus your feelings and emotions.

I do understand the cynical mocking I hear towards the self-help industry. After all – I myself am part of the industry. 

The biggest issue of the industry is those who sign up and can’t follow through with their own goals. 

The biggest scam is those who promise a formula to make you a millionaire on Tuesday, and if you sign up now before the sunsets under the unicorn retrograde supercharged blue moon or something like that, you’ll be a billionaire by Monday. Or those who want to sell you magical potions, pads and pills to heal or transform your body in an instant….

The truth is, what we, as an industry do well, what we excel at, is helping you to understand there is a blueprint to succeeding. I know because my Coach showed me that blueprint and I followed it.

We know how to set the bar and we can guide you to do the same. But like with anything in life, we can’t make you.

Living up to your potential

Did you know that only 10% of all women are living up to their full potential. Can you imagine a world where this percentage is much much higher?

Did you know that most women are re-creating the same drama for their children they went through in their childhood?

Isn’t it the time to break that vicious cycle? Stop the drama? 

The Magic of Merla can help you and your child to start taking small steps towards a healthy childhood and life.

So how is this book going to help you? 

The best performers in anything, have an obsession, hunger – that can’t be put off. Give them the right coach, advice and tools, and they will excel and become the world’s best.

And so can you. Set out your goals, your wants and desires and put it simply, act, be consistent and be disciplined. 

Repeat this for 365 days, and repeat times 10. At the end of the decade let me know how you have done. The problem is, a decade is a long time, certainly a lot longer than the time it takes to read the next chapter of your new book, and certainly a lot longer than the inspiration which resonates with every page you turn, but sadly doesn’t hang around long enough to take you through the week.

And the sad truth? Motivation, inspiration is great for Pinterest, Instagram and Tik-Tok.

Discipline, consistency and taking actual steps towards what you want are hard and boring, and don’t pin so well or get many likes.

It does however work and change your life for the better. 

Are you going to work for a cause or just applause?

This is your life, your family, your choice. What are you going to do?